A Rant: Can you read or do I need to spell it for you?

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Reading comprehension is definitely one of the most important skill out there. Without a polished knowledge regarding this matter, you sure are, eventually, going to piss the hell out of somebody.

Que an example, my boss. I was writing a report that took me one day to finish but 3 days to revise, because the absence of said awareness.

Due to compliance issue, the title and content of this report will be adjusted for the sake of storytelling.

The material was titled “Abolishment of donut chain in the country starting next year”, as the government is no longer allowing their citizens to eat donuts, it will be replacing all stores with ice cream shops.

Lovely, there is nothing hard to understand about that.

The report goes on to explain how in the future, demand of flour will be replaced by milk, as a consequences of this rearrangement.

I have written in my report, “Demand of ice cream will increase daily by the serve of 10, 50% of the ice cream contains milk or equals 30ml.”

Then enter an email from my boss, replying from the circulation.

Written, “I do not understand how can you get the number of 10.5% increase in ice cream servings. Please revise.”

No shit sherlock, I do not understand it either?! I was not saying that.

Forgive me for writing a misleading sentence, but the company has a strict rule, made by YOU, that a percentage should be written by a dot symbol “.”, and not comma “,”

Shouldn’t that give you a hint that I was no where stating “10.5%”?

With my patience growing thin, I managed to professionally and kindly reply to their question, whilst attaching the sentence revision. I admit that partly this misunderstanding came from my odd sentence structure.

Not quite sure what was going on in their brain, they proceeded to nitpick every single part of my one-page report. I am guessing their pride is hurt.

As I made no more mistake in my work, their questions turned bizarre. For instance, “Where will the donut shops go?” or “Where is milk coming from?”

That was clearly not the purpose of this report. The report is to only inform you, in simple sentence, donut. out. ice cream. in.

From here onwards, my benevolent (for this event only) supervisor proceeded to take over the matter.

Everybody made mistake once in a while. That’s fine. But I get called out for mine? And you don’t? Because of office hierarchy?

“Act your wage” they said, “Please give more and more to the company” they said. If only I could reply without trading my employment, “Look at the mirror” I would love to say.

Mastery of reading comprehension is not for you. It is for people around you. If you lack the motivation to be smart, then be kind. Think of other people that has to deal with your stupidity.

In this case, I choose kindness as well, pretend kindness. The report circled back to me with a few other revisions, and I oblige, revised, and re-submitted with no aggression.

*patting myself in the back* good job crispyy.

Thank you for reading my rant. Lastly, I would say, I hope you will not find kinds like this in your life, or be the redacted.

Lots of Love,


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