Adulting Is A Mess

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F*ck me.

Adulting is one damn hard thing to do. It feels like having so much homework, with no deadline, but just a lingering anxiety of not knowing what the consequences are, if you don’t do it 🙂

And f*ck homework! How many more should I finish, I have been doing this since kindergarten, let me live!

I’m done with test and evaluations too. I have gone through countless tests at school and they told me I’m being test at work to determine my performance? Don’t even mention how life has been testing me.

Why does my worth equates to how well I did in these “test”. The only way to pass a grade in school is to score good in tests, then pass a performance test for work, and the epitome of it, life is a test to determine whether you go to hell or heaven! And lucky you, If god lets you go to heaven, you sure are one “worthy” human being.

Spending my life for other people to tell me how much I worth is not why I signed up for this whole living thing.

I just want to be.

Do things that makes me happy, even for just a few seconds. Say an embarrassing thing and laughed at it. Being weird. Be me.

To look back at life and know that I was present in every second that was given to me. Not to look back to only realize I have been spending too much time over the fear of not finishing the homework.

I don’t want to be afraid to live anymore.
It is easier said than done, but let me manifest through this post.

I hope you too, will find your happiness and meaning of life.

Lots of love,


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