Fictional Character Obsession? More like Getting Out of Depression

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The desire to have an obsession to a character, breathing or not, is a forceful emotion inside of me. As hard as this perplexing notion to be understood by some, for my coven out there, we rather describe the absence of it, as depression.

My mind is an award winning overthinker, with an endless hours of speech, she won’t budge down the stage even if I begged for my dear life. With all due respect (for me) it needs to shut up.

So, let me share you a tip to reclaim this stage in your mind.

Obsessing over a character, breathing or not.

Once you start, it is as if they have taken the spotlight away from your restless persona to the amazing, graceful, and unreal (metaphorically and literally) fella that you decided to fixed your whole existence into.

While you are exploring this flower fields of sunny days and clouds painted with their faces, you will start to fell out of misery and enter the promised land. A utopia is finally formed in your head.

There is a downside however, you might spend real life money on them. To a certain extent, I believe it can be a boost of serotonin that you may be lacking. But to the lengthier extent, you might need to control this behavior, before it formed a habit.

All in all, there is nothing wrong in trying to save yourself from the pain of life by searching for a drop of pleasure, more importantly, you do not hurt anybody in the process.

Be it a K-Pop idol maniac, Japanese anime delusion-ers, One direction super fan, BL fanfictions avid reader, and/ or other types of compulsions, it does not devalue you nor make you a loser.

If somebody ever mock you for that, remember, they are no Jeon Jung Kook. In other words, irrelevant.

Lots of Love,


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